GreenPad Academy is the brainchild of Zak Ajia. Zak Ajia has a great passion for sustainability and has been involved in several education for sustainable development initiatives. In 2012, he was named as a Vodafone World of Difference Winner and this great opportunity provided him with an avenue to deliver an education for sustainable development talk to students from a wide range of European countries. As part of his social responsibility works, he visits schools in the UK schools where he talks to children on a wide range of global sustainability issues. Of recent, Zak has been providing sustainability advice and support to high-ranking academics, businesses and professionals in countries around the world such as America, UK, Israel, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Australia, Canada and so on.
Zak believes that sustainability presents opportunities for individual and organisational growth and development and that everyone has a role to play in it. Coupled with his passion and experience in sustainability, Zak decided to launch a training initiative to engage young people and businesses in sustainability and to enable them access rich sustainability resources and knowledge and consequently make a world of difference to sustainability issues. Following support received from Shell LiveWIRE, UnLtd and the University of West England, Zak was able to take his passion for sustainability to the next level.
Our vision for businesses is to empower them with the up-to-date knowledge needed to integrate sustainability development thinking and principles into their business models and operations to improve sustainability within their internal and/or external environment.
Our vision for young individuals is to empower them with the knowledge required to become sustainable, earn a living and become great social and green entrepreneurs by: